04 June 2008

Broken footprints

This was a short piece that I wrote last year - I feel it goes well with my previous entry.

Beams of light splayed upon the dusty grass. Air, cold embrace upon naked skin, although warming under the mid-morning sun. The footpath was dull with age, swollen black joinery between slabs, straggly weeds in the cracks. Absent minded avoidance, “Step on a crack, break your back”. Sad chords, weathering a river toward the canals of the ear, the sad lyrics: a boat on the river. She walked in time. Rough, red, brick buildings ahead, their off white colour bond roofs bright in the sunlight, background of blue sky. The buildings of a school, soaked in past lives and crossed paths, silently resting in the peace of the weekend. Absent curiosity, longing to relive memories. Stood at the main entrance, remembered the photo taken for the newsletter, stared up at the high black fence. A new addition, the catalyst for unseen changes.

She continued her walk, her hand gently running along the fence, a deep, satisfying sound of hollow metal. Stopped on occasions, her eyes darting along the ground, remembering the footsteps she once laid there, thoughtful. Made it to the oval, once a smooth green carpet, now a beaten and worn rug. A slow walk into the middle, one hand in the back pocket of her jeans, the other brushing fringe into the crook of her ear. Casual. Thought of the sport she used to play there, games with peers, and then thought about the many hundreds who placed their mark exactly where she stood. The memories of the earth. Remembered her junior years, playing in the dirt at the base of the giant eucalypts - saw they weren’t really that giant. The perspective of maturity. Saw a small footprint in the dust, huddling under the protection of roots. Brushed it away, began its journey to all the other broken footprints.


"I learned just enough in school to figure out that everything is not all there is to know"


Squirrel245 said...

I remember that.... kinda.

You're obviously a lot more appreciative of the past than I am :P

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris!!! this callange is to easy. bebo -check
facebook -check
blogspot - check

next up is myspace.
Yes i will be attending you party!!!!

Love from emily

Anonymous said...

I haven't read this one before.

It's ...wow. I like it. Very thoughtful.

Impressive. =]


Any material on this page (excluding third party templates and images) is, unless explicitly stated otherwise, © 2009 Christopher K. All rights reserved. "Present Tense" header is © 2009 Adam P. Used with permission.