The undecided plethora of choices unanswered. A mess of lines and crosses. Or an organised interconnectedness of the status quo? A mass transit system. A to B. Remember to pass go. Collect your 200 dollars. Feed it to the vicious cycle vending machine of capitalism. Kick it when it fails to give the change that is inevitable.
Though through this, simplicity does not depart. It exists in a complex and convoluted embodiment, simple in one eye...simple, yet different in the other. But can it be seen with both?
The flesh beneath the skin is surely just that. Switch the lens, see it with both. Mitosis of emotions - one become two, two become four, four become eight, eight becomes sixteen - until the numbers become meaningless. A scientifically explainable process, mathematically patterned - but is that really the only way?
It starts with a feeling, made into two, then multiplied. Multiplied by two.
It must be hard to be the number two. Knowing that life is resting on your shoulders. A couple. A pair. An item. The power of two.
Emotions to infinity - a meaningless and inexplicable mess. Except with the rationality of mathematics.
Humans are irrational. QED?
Then how can they produce the rationality of science.
It cannot be the only way.
The forgotten product of a bygone future. What does that even mean? Trust.
The answer is trust.
The answer is always trust.
Do you trust me? That's the only way to a whole new world...a wondrous place...for you and me.
Trust...blind faith in the ever pursued myth of egalitarianism...?
The art of trust and the art of deceit...synonymous, or the antonym that so many of us would like to believe that it is?
Knowing when to lie. To maintain trust. Why is it the answer must always be trust?
I would not lie to keep your faith blind.
We do not trust each other, therefore we love each other.
Trust. When to lie, when to be honest. When to smile, when to deny. When to hold on, when to let them fly.
What is the answer to nothingness? Trust.
Trust is the answer to everything.
Raises more questions than it answers. Ones hidden thoughts. Those thoughts which are buried...uncovered by a shovel of uncertainty
A helpful means of expressing one's deepest regrets. One's sorest emotions. Maintaining one's ambiguity. Remaining hidden behind your mask of walls. Too scared to put them into the light.
Alas, not too scared. Too aware to put them into the light. The light pales their glow. They are not that which can be thrown unceremoniously into the public arena. They are too precious.
Their glow must remain.
No one really understands the words on the page. But they read them. And relate.
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