So, over the past couple of years I've done a fairly extensive range of writing - from essays, to short stories, to editorials, to these blogs that you may or may not read.
Many times I have received feedback, and many times I have been asked whether what I write about has happened to me, as its written.
I pondered this question in the shower today - as I ponder a great many questions.
And came to this conclusion.
To make a cake, one does not need a cake - merely the ingredients put together in a certain way.
That is all. Yes. That's right.
So now you are all thinking "What the hell Chris, what is with these short entires all of a sudden, normally you write epic blogs?"
And to that I merely say: "I've got one baking in the oven."
8 years ago
An epic-blog-cake in the oven eh?
*pictures a cake the size of a tool shed with a platoon of strippers concealed within it*
Fun times!
That platoon had better be drilled pretty hard.
So long as this blogcake doesn't end up like Greg's pancakes, I am content with it's content. verification "word" is "ginersom". What an awesome word.
chris, are you meaning to tell me you have a bun in the oven? there something you should be telling me here? =P
i've got your mum baking in the oven ;)
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