23 September 2008

Yeah...what was the point to that Chris?

You know how people do those things on the internet, where people write a list of their friends and then proceed to inform all the poor souls who read said list why they love their friends so very much?

These lists generally bore me, because, well, they are boring. These people who are supposedly best friends can't seem to think of anything interesting about each other to inform the world about.

Example (quoted from a facebook group that shall go unnamed):

i love her because she is the love of my life. shes my best friend and my cousin. we know everything about each other and we have talked about everything in the world. she is everything to me and i would take 129837 bullets for her. she's the greatest person i know.
I love her because she is the love of my life

Well. I guess that is correct enough...

But it doesn't tell one much, does it?

Greatest person I know

Again, the sentiment, but why? Why is she the greatest?

Now. Perchance you all think I am nit picking here. And hell, I think I am nit picking.

Just to be clear, I am not critising the person who wrote this, and I do have a point. I think its great that she is letting the world know how much she loves her friends. And I'm sure her friends appreciate being told that too. I know I would appreciate being told how great I am every so often. (Please refrain from doing that, btw. My ego is already large enough).

No. My point is very simplistic.


Hypocritical? Probably. Deal with it.

But if one is going to inform the world why they think their friends are so great, do it in a way that arouses interest. You do justice to your ability to understand yourself, and you do justice to the people who surround you, and you do justice to your audience.

And the ACTUAL point for me writing this? Well, I just wanted to see if I could actually write something substantial and interesting about why I think my friends are great.



I have known Morgan since year seven. He happens to be one of the first actual friends I made at high school. And he got me into the nerd group (achievement much?).

Morgan had a square head, rosy cheeks, and flat feet. Now he has long sexy hair, and a voice that makes people wonder how his pants contain his testicles.

If I had to sum him up in one word, I would say loyal, though its up there with trustworthy. I'm not entirely sure I have come across a more loyal person. He is one of those people who keeps his closest friends close, and distances himself from the rest. I can't see him stabbing me in the back. If he were going to stab me, it would be right out there in the open, for everyone to see. And I would most definitely have deserved it.


Adam is very simple. This makes him a great friend. There is no crap with Adam. He tells it like it is. If you went to Adam with a problem, he would laugh at you. He also is incredibly hilarious. More so when he is angry.

Adam is my misanthropic comic relief.


I would keep going.

But I am not too proud to admit that I think I have failed. Feel free to inform me otherwise, but I think if you ask yourself honestly you will find that nothing there was particularly interesting for you. Unless you are Adam or Morgan.

Apparently it is a lot harder to write something interesting and substantial about one's friends than I thought.

See, I think the main problem here is that if you don't know the people, none of it really means anything to you. Thus the audience will not be engaged with anything that you are writing.

Thus I have a new point.

Tell your friends personally, whether through email, text, msn, phone, or face to face, why they are so great. They will appreciate you for it, I assure you.

The world is never as interested in you as you want it to be.


Squirrel245 said...

Well, I'd say I was touched by that, but... you know :P

Also, it might be because there aren't many thoughts in my head, but this post of yours is the one that has provoked them the most - somewhat.


That makes me wonder how many people actually think "This stuff I'm putting up here is totally new. Nobody's ever said stuff like this before, so it'll have a super mega awesome sexy impact on them!"

I may have to blog about this...


Anonymous said...

...All I really have to say is that that's very true. I agree.

And most people find other people's friends boring unless they know them and are friends with them, too.


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